Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As I said last week, I have decided to make Sunday my official weigh in day.  It made me think twice about my plans for the day... I needed to be on the front row of the nearest church for the rest of the day after some of the words that came out of my mouth.  320.1.  That's right... I gained FOUR POUNDS last week.  are you kidding me?!  Today, I'm back down a little to 319, but still... I blame this gain on my lack of "quality time" in the bathroom.  So.. I bought some laxatives today.  Pre-band,  laxative wasn't even in my vocabulary, much less my medicine cabinet.  We shall see how it goes.

On a brighter note, I have officially moved on to mushies, and found that I can still eat my favorite Mexican dish, the chile relleño!  It's basically ground beef and cheese with a little bit of poblano pepper.  You would think this would be a no-no, but the beef and pepper are mashed up until they are pretty much the consistency of refried beans, and poblanos are extremely mild.  I had it Saturday night, and oh!  It was GLORIOUS!

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend... I know I did!  I have my 2 week check up appointment on Thursday, so I will let you all know how that goes.

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